Why does homework need evolution to add functionality?

Teachers need to understand the use of homework and do not misuse it. However, it needs to be banned in the current situation where homework is drawing the need for a homework helper. Many disadvantages can prove that homework needs to be banned.

Homework Help

The disadvantages discussed in an upcoming section will question the need for homework for future curriculum. It has questioned the need for skill development than to be driven by excessive homework. 


  • Homework only expands the day for students 

There is a time when the student will need to be free from work to settle down. However, homework only makes the day longer for the student to the extent where they feel a negative attraction.

If they have to work for a long day, teachers receive compensation. However, there is nothing that can keep them motivated for a student. After spending around 6 hours in school additional two hours of work at home will demotivate any student.

It is a reason why students opt for help with homework. They have a lesser moment for personal activities to spend time with family or peers, which harms learning and development. 

  • No assurance of enhanced academic outcome 

Homework does not guarantee that students will achieve an enhanced academic skillset. On the other side, younger students will benefit from a homework ban as they can create separation between home and classroom.

There is no advantage if the student cannot decide between their time, school time, and home time. Besides, there is no factual evidence that homework will guarantee academic improvement for the student. 

  • Restricting homework will reduce classroom burnout 

Homework stress is an important problem for a modern classroom for K-12 students. Most of them go for a homework helper to complete the homework. Among 1 in every four students reflects that homework is challenging after school. It also leads to older students dropping out of school as they are caught up with personal work. 

  • Restricting homework will open time for the family. 

One among three American households complained that the children's homework is a significant source of stress in their home. When kids need to complete homework through a deadline, there is lesser time for families to spend time together. Instead of scheduling the time around the free hours, they need to balance homework in their planning. 

With fewer moments with parents, the students find it hard to develop a social life. In most cases, students opt for a homework helper to free up the family and personal tasks. 

  • Too much homework affects health adversely. 

Kids of any age will struggle if they cannot find out time for homework. It is unusual for a school administrator to judge children based on homework completion. If the child has a good work ethic and still cannot complete the work, the negative approach can affect their health, and it can cause them to abandon their learning goal. 

  • Banning homework means the student has the right time for health.

Sleep for 8 hours is a must for all budding students, and it is needed to enhance their productivity. However, a student in grade school with homework can have only slept for 5 hours. Hence, decreased sleep cycle will eventually affect their health standard. The challenge can lead to chronic learning challenges and health issues, and it can further lead to emotional control, obesity, and anxiety issues. 

About Us 

Assignment Achievers will support the student and help solve all the above problems. A sensible service provides the student ample scope of spending quality family time, getting free from work early, and enhancing their learning and development. 

A further note in the issue is that we believe that students will live freely. Homework is for enhancing the practice skills of learning. We have designed the model that will enhance the quality of the student with assistance and without overburdening the student with work. 


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